Invitation and RSVP List for the William Rodriguez Presentation and Reception for him and Local Heroes
November 1, 2007
People were supposed to RSVP by October 20th to be assured of a nametag and seat, but some invitations were sent out late. We have also been asking for photos and jpgs of our honoured guests, but we need those ASAP to compile the slideshow. They should be sent to- cbrouillet@gmail.comText of the invitation:
We hope you will join us November 1, 2007 at 7 pm at the Grand Lake Theater to hear William Rodriguez, 9/11 hero, share his story about that day, what has happened since then, and the current efforts for a genuine investigation into the events of 9/11 , on his “Last Man Out World Tour,”. We will also hear from our special guest- Peter Dale Scott, author of The Road to 9/11- Wealth, Empire and the Future of America and Cindy Sheehan, founder of Gold Star Families for Peace, and author of Peace Mom: A Mother's Journey through Heartache to Activism.
We also hope that you stay for a reception in honor of William, Peter, Cindy and other local heroes from the 9/11 Truth, Impeachment, Peace and Justice movements. We hope that this will be an opportunity for us build stronger ties in the larger struggle to move us from Empire towards Earth Community.
The Empire’s foundational myths are crumbling. All warfare is based on deception, reality and truth can be obscured, censored, disguised, but like water and life, seeps past those who aspire to control and define it to serve a small class of people at the great expense of humanity and planet. Eyewitnesses, emerging technologies, the recognition of the ever increasing inter-dependence of life, the sheer courage and creativity of those who love life and care about the future are nurturing a global movement to challenge the paradigm of violent domination.
Jimi Hendrix wrote: “When the Power of Love Overcomes the Love of Power, the World will know Peace.”
Joanna Macy and David Korten use the term “The Great Turning” to describe the time that we are living in. Some people fear that it might be “The Great Unraveling.” Perhaps, for war criminals and war profiteers, the future is grim.
Aung Sung Suu Kyi wrote: "It is not power that corrupts, but fear -- fear of losing power and fear of the scourge of those who wield it."
Fear is the real enemy. Courage, love, healthy connection to one’s soul, friends, family, community, humanity, Earth is the solution.
This October, as the occupants of the White House and Congress scream for war. We are actively calling, working for peace, impeachment, truth, transparency, accountability. Only the growing tide of humanity throughout the world, a breakthrough in consciousness I this country can break the War Trance and redirect our resources from conquest towards redemption.
We are not powerless; we are not alone. We have courage, truth, peace, justice, humanity and life on our side and we will celebrate, being together on this journey together.
The Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance is one of the oldest 9/11 Truth groups, comprised of people who anonymously gathered for the first street actions “Demanding an Investigation of 9/11” and challenging the official narrative. We published the first Deception Dollars to overcome media censorship of the basic facts about 9/11. We have organized the first showings of 9/11 documentaries, the San Francisco International Inquiry into 9/11, innumerable marches, rallies, educational events, with the help of innumerable people and organizations that have endorsed, sponsored and contributed to all of our efforts. Our stated mission is:
“to seek and disseminate truths about the terrible crimes committed on September 11, 2001, exposing gaps and deceptions in the official story, and to thus inspire more eyewitness revelations, truthful media coverage, and a movement that will bring the responsible criminals to justice and eliminate governmental and corporate policies that enable criminal elements to commit such acts."
Although we have held regular meetings since December 2002, and are able to accept tax deductible donations through Agape Foundation (since 2004), we are an all volunteer, unincorporated association (basically a mission driven ad-hoc group of activists), that relies totally on the energy, creativity, efforts of each of us.
If you would like to formally be an individual or organizational endorser or sponsor of this event, we welcome your support.
Our invited, honored guests, are encouraged to come, RSVP (send us the name of your companion guest), send us a jpg, if possible, so we can include you in the slide show we will have just before the presentations.
Members of the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance are encouraged to bring a dessert, beverages, for the reception, and/or to volunteer time (let us know you will be coming!) or to donate money.
Other individuals and organizations are also encouraged to donate $100 to be acknowledged as an Endorser (and receive up to ten tickets to the event) or to donate $200 to be acknowledged as a Sponsor (and receive up to 20 tickets to the event).
If you would like to be acknowledged as a Patron Saint of the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance, please donate $500 (and receive up to 20 tickets).
If you would like to be acknowledged as a Guardian Angel of the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance, please donate $1000 (and receive up to 20 tickets).
We do expect to fill the Grand Lake Theater, a response by October 20th to this invitation will assure you of nametags, and/or tickets.
Checks should be made out to- Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance and sent to
Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance
Jpgs of our invited, honored guests, should be mailed to with “Hero” in the subject line. (And if you have any great photos of any of our listed guests- that you could share with us- please do send them and identify them by name. Thanks!!!)
PO Box 60511
Palo Alto, CA 94306Tickets will be mailed by October 22nd or will be held for you at the guest table, outside the Grand Lake Theater, on the night of the event.
I could not find some people's regular addresses or email addresses- so not everyone may have received their invitation. Also I just simply forgot to invite some people, or couldn't remember their last names, so please forgive me if you are not on this Partial List. Those who have RSVPed (and their guests) are listed in bold. I couldn't pick up mail from the PO Box on Saturday, the 20th- so will update the RSVPs, as I receive them.
2007 Citizen Heroes for Impeachment-
Clapsaddle, Jacob
Newsham, Brad
Papermaster, Cynthia
Spark, Don
Wolman, Carol2007 Citizen Heroes for 9/11 Truth
Dames, Aaron
Gage, Richard
Hoffman, Jim
MacKinlay, Janette2007 Citizen Hero for Truth
Bernstein, DennisAbrams, Kurt
Allison, Aimee
Baldock, Bob
Bark, Jane
Bass, John
Belitsos, Byron
Bernardi, Gene (and guest)
Bhaerman, Steve (Swami Beyondananda)
Blankfort, Jeff
Bollock, Max
Brandt, Mark
Brechin, Gray
Brugmann, Bruce
Bullock, August
Burks, Fred
Burks, Paul
Burrows, Kenn
Carson, Dana
Casey, John
Casey, June
Chin, Larry
Chippendale, Ruth
Cohen, Eduardo
Crooks, Arlene
Curry, Liam
D. Davey
Damron, Bob
Day, Gabriel
Dede (Cindy Sheehan's sister)
Dean, Mike
Dessart, Nina
Dixit Kubiak, Rita
Drekmeier, Peter
Eldridge III, Ashel
Ellis, Ken
Ellsberg, Dan & Patricia
Enteen, Riva and guest
Faulkner, Bonnie
Feder, Claire
Feder, Augie
Feder, Paul
Fletcher, Cornelia
Floum, Alexander
Fournier, Jim
Fox, Louis
Friedman, Joan
Geduldig, Lisa
George, Paul
Giarmo, Sam
Gilardin, Maria
Gipson, Bob
Goitein, Ernie
Good, Brian
Gordon, Paul
Gray, Patricia
Gray, Steven
Greensfelder, Claire
Grinnon, Francis
Haber, Jim
Hagerty, Mike
Hall, Brian
Harmanci, Reyhan
Harter, Tian
Hartono, Carmen
Hartsough, David and Jan
Holmbäck, Christopher
Hubert, Debra
Huff, Mickey
Hunter, Pete
Ibanez, Rebeca
Inaba, Ian
James, Aram
Jenkins, Ken
Joerger, Hank
Johnson, Anita
Johnson, Drew
Jones, Steven T.
Kathaleen, Merriam
Keefer, Krissy
Kepler, Clark
Klasky, Phil
Kobren, Janet
Kottke, Daniel
Koch, Terry
Kubiak, David
Lakoff, George
Larges, Norris
Lee, Jay
Leidner, Vicki
Lerner, Debora
Lerner, Michael
Livingston, Robert
Lombard, Dave
Lub, Sergio
Lubeck, Dave
Lynn, Joyce
Macy, Joanna
Mancias, Nancy
Mahko, Yarrow
Marino, Mike
Marshall, Stephen
Massen, Jack
Matson, Tom
McCartney, John
Middleton, Kai
Millar, Chuck
Minkler, Doug
Mitchell, Derek
Monge-Irizarry, Mesha
Morse, Cynthia
Morse, Steve
Mueller, Lianne
Nash, Andrew
Neway, Tsadae Abeba
Nishkian, Arcinae
Page, Scott
Palen, George
Parkin, John
Parulis, John
Pattinson, Tom and guest
Paulson, Jodie
Peters, Nancy
Polony, Csaba
Powell, Catherine
Pulcrano, Dan
Radogno, John
Ramirez, Anna
Rauch, Bernie
Rea, Paul
Rees, Allan
Reinsborough, Patrick
Remares, Kellia
Riley, Denny
Rippy, Ed
Rudman, Lisa
Rusche, Derek
Rushton, B.
Sandham, Robert
Scheff, Liam
Schone, Mya
Shelton, Judy
Shoenmann, Ralph
Solnit, David
Soule, Dave
Southon, Weyland
Spencer, Ed and guest
St. George, Dana
Starr, Celestine
Stone, Dan
Strong, Susan
Symens-Bucher, Anne
Stutz, Ron
Sundas, Samina Faheem
Sutherland, Ken
Tang, Stephanie
Taub, Gypsy
Taylor, Sandy
Thomas, Mary Ann
Thompson, Paul
Topakian, Karen
Ung, Tyman
Wanzala, Joe
Welsh, Karina
White, Don
Whitlock, Susie
Widger, Stephania
William, Harlow
Wilson, Eric
Wong, Michael
Wood, Gregory
Wright, Gordon
Wright, John
Zelinski, Mike
Special Thanks to Individual Endorsers:
Patricia Gray
E. H. Joerger
John B. Massen
Chuck Millar
Allan Rees
Ron StutzAnd Much Thanks to Organizational Endorsers:
Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth
Peace Resource Project
San Francisco Bay- World Can't Wait
Veterans for Peace- Chapter 69
Return to- Last Man Out- William Rodriguez November 1st, Oakland