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Annual Christmas Letter to Friends and Family
December 27, 2005
Lac #9, Quebec, Canada

Dear friends and family,

         Another year has gone by, more swiftly than a sled on ice. We measure our ages in the number of centimeters our children have grown. Jules grew less than two since summer, but then he is towering above me now, almost six feet tall, and in the process of applying to college- including Stanford and Reed where Jean-Luc and I went to school, decades ago. Jordan grew over 5 centimeters, but he is at that weedlike age, 14, and his voice has stretched even more than his height. It is fun to see how much the kids have grown, and to be "beyond diapers." This was the first year, in a long time, that no one was sick, although Jean-Luc’s sister, Claire, is in New Zealand this winter. She phoned and we all missed her, and her special Christmas fruit-cake.

         I remember how crazy it was last year, trying to get 1,500,000 new Deception Dollars, printed and shipped, before coming to Canada; I think I failed and the Election Deception Dollars were too belated to have a significant impact. Still, I think 2005 was a turning point in American consciousness; even though the blatantly stolen election and Senator Boxer’s historic support to contest the election were overlooked by the press.

My friends at Veteran's for Peace, and Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance decided to add another protest on “Inaugeration Day” in San Francisco. We really did it for ourselves, to vent our own outrage, and didn’t even bother to send out press releases. Yet AP, the Chicago Tribune and a San Diego radio station interviewed me, and they covered our protest. The tide began to turn against Bush.

         I made another major attempt at breaking the 9-11 issue into the mainstream press, by organizing premiere showings of Barrie Zwicker’s documentary- The 9-11 News Special You Never Saw- The Great Conspiracy in March. Co-sponsored by Project Censored and the Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance, Veteran’s for Peace, KPFA, Pacifica, The Grand Lake Theater, we had four showings- in Menlo Park, Oakland, San Francisco and Santa Rosa with comic relief between film segments by Swami Beyondananda, followed by panel discussions with the director- Barrie Zwicker, Michael Kane, Webster documentary Tarpley, Project Censored’s Peter Phillips, and the press was invited to participate, but not a single journalist (except our great ally- Bonnie Faulkner who participated in the Santa Rosa event) would publicly participate in the discussions. The San Francisco Bay Guardian, finally decided to do a “4000 word” cover story on our issue, composed by their City Editor- Steven T. Jones. It turned out to be a 5088 word article and he carefully bashed Barrie and I before admitting that their was something to some of what we were saying. Their cover photo, they staged themselves and had a photo of a guy in a Cheney mask with “I BLEW UP THE WTC- ASK ME HOW” emblazoned across his T-shirt at one of the anti-war rallies.

         Still, book by book, article by article, documentary by documentary, people are beginning to wake up. Our premieres were very well attended, and we also raised a lot of money- for Project Censored, KPFA, the Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance, enough to send the DVD to Universities and Colleges throughout California. We did celebrate and held a third strategy meeting in April. We always have more ideas than we have time and people to carry all the projects out. Gabriel championed my “Truth Conference” idea to coincide with the anniversaries of the official “Omission Report”, and the Downing Street Memo. (I would have helped, but I knew that I’d probably be in Canada at that time of year.) Someone else had the bright idea of an art contest which I spontaneously championed (with the help of Gabriel, Blaine and Nicholas). Janette, who used to run an art gallery, and is an artist, tried to discourage me, at our meeting, but I went ahead with it. It was a ton of work, and in some ways a disaster, because I was dependent on Nicholas and Blaine to do the website work and they both had major computer problems, so we had to change dates a couple of times, and I never even got all the contact info for al of the contestants (although I sent out prizes to as many as I could). The theme was difficult- “9-11 Truth for Peace and Justice.” I did get a huge number of great sponsors, and great prizes, and some great entries, as well! We did get to use the art for postcards, fliers for our allies, march, events and one was perfect for our “movie.”

         After much prodding, Ken Jenkins finally finished editing “Behind Every Terrorist- There is a Bush.” (I actually did a lot of it on paper, and rearranged the segments to improve the flow, and forced him to include Rovics’ Reichstag Fire as a music/video at the opening.) We premiered the film on September 11th, 2005 (when we couldn’t resist the opportunity of doing a benefit 9-11 Film Festival, on short notice). We also organized a rally and a march on September 10th in San Francisco, our annual from the Panhandle to the Power to the Peaceful Concert at Speedway Meadows. On the 11th, we had two film festivals- one in San Francisco and one in Oakland, which Bonnie Faulkner hosted. It was a ton of work, and I was most busy when Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans.

         Juggling motherhood with being an activist, is something that I have always tried to do, with mixed success. Last summer was particularly challenging and stressful, and only the help of Jan Hoyer, who was able to post the art entries on the website for us, allowed me to catch my breath, and take some time off to be with Jean-Luc and the kids.

         Jean-Luc and I had our first “real honeymoon” (without any kids) while the kids were at Boy Scout Camp. (I missed out on the G8- Protests and the London Bombings). During the big DC Emergency Truth Convergence, I was in Canada with Jean-Luc and the kids. I was glad that other people were able to organize and protest without me, but except for the time that I was away- the family didn’t get that much time with me last summer.

         September, October, November were also very busy protest months and I missed most of the kid’s soccer games, even though I was an Assistant Ref and did help when I could. The kids almost never ask me to play with them at home, anymore, because I usually am too busy. They are busy, as well- with school, soccer, scouts, dentist/orthodontist appointments, and now they are going to “Games Conferences” and “Games Tournaments.” I just wish that they could use their collective intelligence in real life strategizing over the world’s dire political straits.

         We held another 9-11 Truth Strategy Meeting at the beginning of December, and I was encouraged by the people who came to run for Congress next year. I went to the Green Party County Meeting and the State Plenary (as a delegate) to gauge how supportive the Green Party would be, if I decided to run. I think that it would probably be good for the Green Party, the 9-11 Truth Movement, and for me, if I do run this year, although I’m afraid it would be hardest on the kids and Jean-Luc, over the summer, when I generally try to take a break from activism and spend more time with them.

         Our movie- “Behind Every Terrorist- There is a Bush” will be shown on Free Speech TV, soon. I probably should have tried to enter it in Film Festivals and postponed distribution, but I had trouble getting the paperwork done and opportunities came up. KPFK LA’s Pacifica Station raised over $15,000 offering our DVD, to their listeners during their fundraising drive. It was fun to ship over 300 to Hollywood. So next year, I think I will have to publicize our film, and organize more events, and mobilize people to campaign for “Real Security- Not ‘Fake Homeland/National Security’” to Impeach Bush, to Repeal the Patriot Act…

         I’d like to have another big event at the Herbst Theater and invite Senator Boxer, Congressman Conyers, Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, The President of Veteran’s for Peace, Project Censored’s Peter Phillips, Guerrilla News Network (who have just finished a film revolving around Cynthia entitled American Blackout, which looks at the stolen elections and 9-11). It would be good to show a few clips, and give everyone a chance to speak, and I’d like to title the event- “Is Impeachment Patriotic?”

         I think the next elections should address the crisis that the country is facing- a servile press, stolen elections, a bogus war on terrorism, and how we can mobilize people to support non-violent revolution- impeaching and holding accountable those most responsible for the most blatant crimes against the United States and the world over the past five years. Boxer, Conyers, and McKinney have taken the bravest stands on the most critical issues of these past few years. I’m also reading a book written by Paul Wellstones’ followers called “Politics- The Wellstone Way” which is about how a teacher/social justice organizer organized at the grassroots to win against an incumbent Senator. Paul Wellstone tragically was killed in a suspicious plane crash just before he was to be re-elected to the Senate. He was the only Senator to vote against the Iraq War and the first to question the official 9-11 story. (Boxer is the second).

         McKinney’s DC hearings on 9-11, and Conyers investigations into the elections in Ohio have demonstrated genuine leadership in Congress, and I’d like to support their work and try to salvage whatever is functional within government to rein in those intent upon global domination.

         Some people have begun work on another major 9-11 Conference in Chicago next spring. Between C-Spans coverage of David Ray Griffin’s Madison speech, the DC hearings, all the new books, events, films coming out, it seems certain that the official story will unravel completely and I just hope that they don’t try “another one” to save themselves from “going down in flames."

The Madrid bombings and the London bombings were clearly state-sponsored attacks and more and more people are beginning to see the pattern.

         As confidence wanes in the corporate press and government officials, there will be an opening for new leadership. Part of me is ready to move forward and shoulder more responsibility, and part of me would rather lead a simpler life, out of public view...

January 6, 2006

I never had time to finish writing this. I'm organizing a rally January 15, 2006, Sunday, Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday, 11 am to 1 pm, which will be a "Speak-Out" for Truth, Peace and Justice, and I'll also publicly announce my candidacy for Congress, if I can get all the paperwork done in time. I probably will send out press releases and have invited a number of folks to speak- it should be fun- if you can come- please do!!! I also wrote to Senator Boxer, Congresswoman McKinney, Congressman Conyers, Peter Phillips, GNN, Veteran's for Peace, and invited them to participate in a public dialogue entitled "Is Impeachment Patriotic?." How it evolves will depend upon their response and availability.

At least I do know that this year promises to be a full busy year, and am increasingly hopeful that the Truth, Peace and Justice Movements will successfully outgrow the Neo-Con Hijacking and Endless War Regime.

Wishing you all the best, good health, and courage for the challenges that lie before us!

Love, Carol

2006 Brouillet Christmas Letter

2007 Brouillet Christmas Letter

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